Aims and objectives
The Hungarian Arbitration Association, HAA in short, is a non-profit association of Hungarian law dedicated to the development and promotion of domestic and international arbitration and ADR in Hungary and beyond. The HAA further aims to promote Hungary as a place of arbitration domestically and internationally.
In order to achieve these objectives, the HAA:
- Brings together firms, practitioners and bodies interested in arbitration and ADR;
- Collects and disseminates knowledge about arbitration and ADR;
- Collects and disseminates international best practices in arbitration and ADR;
- Holds seminars, meetings, discussions and conferences on key issues related to arbitration and ADR;
- Prepares opinions, reports, studies, discussion papers, policy statements and other technical documents concerning arbitration and ADR in Hungary and beyond;
- Collects and circulates statistical and other information on arbitration and ADR;
- Forms a collection of English and Hungarian language publications related to arbitration and ADR in Hungary;
- Cooperates with the ICC and with other national arbitration associations to build links between Hungarian and foreign arbitration practitioners and the Hungarian and the foreign arbitration communities.
The HAA is proud to have over 50 corporate and individual members from a cross-section of business and a wide range of sectors. Our members are both users and practitioners of arbitration and ADR, and based in and outside Hungary.